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Dai MIKURUBE (三廻部 大)

...has been involved in systems, middleware, and software runtime environments. He is working as a software engineer at Treasure Data since 2016, and contributing to Embulk, an open-sourced bulk data loader.

Pluggable middleware architecture is my recent concern in engineering. Designing programming interface, especially for plugins, is always a difficult balancing problem between plugin's lifetime, programmability, and performance. Having good challenges on it through contributing to Embulk at Treasure Data in Tokyo, and experiences at Ecrebo in Reading, UK as a developer and a site reliability engineer.

Profiling memory usage had puzzled me for years both at (f.k.a. Tokyo Research Laboratory; TRL) and Google Japan. Started the efforts from Marusa project at IBM Research to understand "real" memory usage in IBM's J9 Java VM and hypervisors. Launched Deep Memory Profiler project at Google then to dive into Chromium's more complicated memory usage.

Physical modeling have awoken my interests. Although I have no full-time experiences there so far, I was wondering if I could have chances to contribute to the area, especially in terms of fast (kinds of "super real-time") simulation of acausal models, for example written in Modelica.

Process migration techniques and system virtualization mechanisms had interested me in my when I was a student supervised by at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Especially in interested in container-based virtualization such as FreeBSD jail and Linux-VServer back then. Received a B.Sc. in information science and a M.Sc. in mathematical and computing sciences from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2004 and 2007, respectively.

Programming contests stole much of my college days. Participated in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) for four years of my undergraduate, and took the 21st place in World Finals 2003 (Beverly Hills) and the 28th place in 2004 (Prague) with my powerful teammates. Co-founded the ACM-ICPC Japanese Alumni Group then in 2004 to help younger contestants in practice contests and camps.